Troy, Ohio
Oct. 1st, 1944 Dear Irene and Family; The letters seem to grow more interesting with each round. I certainly enjoyed the expressions of Political sentiment and glad to see we each held to the God-given right of free-thinking. We all know the quotation. “Our Country! In her intercourse with Foreign Nations may she always be right, but right or wrong, always our country.” I hope whoever is elected will not have to contend with the emergency of War. I am afraid the aftermath will keep him busy for more than four terms, and I hope, as Shan says, he will prove capable of administering the affairs of our nation, according to the established laws of the nation. Congratulations Dan. It is with great pleasure we read of your promotion. I am sure it is well-earned and you have every right to be proud of the achievement. The subject you propose for this round is a sticker and certainly does require a little thought because there are so many angles. For instance, are we to assume that we are on the island at the present time and at our present age? If I were there now, I should ask for the highest powered plane available, for the purpose of evacuation. If I were there in normal times, I should ask to have my family intact and with me. With them and possessing the other blessings you mention, I could make myself happy, at least for the rest of my life. Dick is still in Santa Ana, and will finish Advanced Pre-Flight Training Oct. 9th. At that time, he anticipates an eighteen days furlough. We are keeping our fingers crossed, never-the-less, we are counting the days. Let me add to the chorus of praise for the O’Connor Family in Columbus. Our weekend with them was glorious and their hospitality, as usual, was perfect. The absence of the rest of our loved ones was deeply regretted by all of us, but we are looking forward to a complete reunion in 1945. Dearest love to all of you,
in the present day…
Yesterday was Cookie Day. A marathon resulting in…
…which leaves us with this…
Of the cookies I brought home, I was able to make up about six trays.
We make hundreds and hundreds of cookies! Here are the recipes.....
Download Recipes.pdf
This morning, I woke up to more snow than we have had in years. Thinking I could just back out of the driveway through 18 inches of snow, I promptly got stuck and had to shovel the car out. I decided it was a good day to stay in and nap on the sofa.
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