Vol. 15, No. 2 [Helen]
Troy, Ohio
March 25th, ‘45
Dear Irene and All—
Hoist the “E” Flag. This edition goes out on time. This round indeed interesting and like Sadie, I think the photo-gravure section is a decided asset.
Irene, I showed Janice’s and your picture to the Lima girls, and their commentary was that you certainly have a lovely looking daughter and they thought you looked more like sisters.
The tribute to Aunt Beasy is very touching and true and I have copied it for my collection.
The pictures of Nan are fine. I too read her interesting article. One of these days, I predict the publication of a best-seller. More power to you Nan. As for Don’s picture, it is excellent and gave me a yearning to see him. That wonderful smile will certainly take him places. I am writing to congratulate him on his promotion.
He has earned it and is most deserving of the honor. I know how proud you must be of him, Shan and Carolyn.
I am enclosing a snap-shot of yesteryear. Looks like a pretty proud father, holding his baby girl up for all to admire and may I say she certainly has justified his pride.
Thank you Pauly for the Birth Record. Shan remembers the faux pas I pulled when he showed it to me. The copy has been tucked away in the archives.
Kay, we missed your letter. I do not think it is such a bad arrangement for you and Pauly to write at the same time. Your viewpoints and comments are different and both letters are filled with interest.
Is there feuding between the Columbus O’Connor and Mrs. Hackley or just friendly repartee?
I second the motion Gee for pictures of your Cadet Nurses. Of course I have the pleasure of seeing them in person quite often but I know the rest of the family would enjoy seeing their pictures.
Sadie dear, your constant prayers for our soldier boys are deeply appreciated and I am sure your supplication to our Merciful God will bring them home to us, safe and sound.
Gene, we are always so interested in hearing about you and the girls. Please remain in the circle. We love you and admire you very much, not only for Jack’s sake, but for your own sweet self.
Dan, I obeyed your instructions implicitly, in the drawing and I pulled Kay’s name. We were so sorry to hear of Eloise’s illness and trust she has completely recovered. I think it would be fine if you could end each of us a copy of Sean, a la Sell-A-Pape. It would make a nice companion picture to the one of you we have all cherished through the years.
As for Compulsory Military Training, inasmuch as David would undoubtedly be one of the first entrants, our interest is more than academic. I think the bill should be held in abeyance until the boys return, for they above all will have a clear idea on the subject. It is my opinion that until we have political peace, we cannon have economic security or international harmony. I believe that, even though we are the greatest nation on earth, until we free ourselves of racial hatred, money-grabbing and greed, atheism and Communism, and many other isms so prevalent today, we must continue to wage war. I wish I possessed the optimism that we will not have another war, but I definitely believe we will have and that it will be a mechanical one.
Traditionally, we are a peace loving nation, but I do not believe we are safe from attack.
I think one year of Army training, if it is properly conducted, would be good for the boys. It would give them a sense of values, a democratic attitude toward their fellow-men, and a year in which to find themselves, and to my way of thinking, we may as well be prepared for the inevitable. My heart and reason rebels at the ghastliness of War. How I wish a substitute could be offered. (The length of my paragraph smacks of a filibuster.)
A Happy Easter and much love to all of you.
Still loving the war recollections through this lovely family. As a nurse I can't help but wonder what those young girls imagined they would be doing once they completed their "nurses' training". Probably soothing the fevered brows of handsome officers. Thanks again for sharing your family with us.
Posted by: Mrs RW | January 28, 2008 at 11:15 PM