Vol. 18, No. 3 [Irene]
Oct. 20, 1945
My dear Sadie and All,
It is now 8:15 AM. Janice and Jerry are still asleep. J. does not have to work every Saturday. Frank just left for a business trip by Navy Station wagon, and speaking of that, a young boy here has just purchased an Army Jeep for $100.00. We are going to try and get one, for marketing, Janice, etc., until we can feel secure in buying a car.
It was a joy to see Gee and Larry again. Although their time with us was all too short, and right now, it seems like a dream that they were here. Gee is so much like Mother, that I found myself first glad and then sad as I sat talking with her. And while I am on the subject of Gee, I like her idea of having some member of each family enclose a page. Just once on every round cannot possibly disturb the “Sanctity of the Chain.” I think that the enclosed from Eloise proves that it was a “happy thought.”
Dan, I like the “quotations” from all the letters, and as nearly as I remember, Helen has each one well placed. Shan, I was very happy to know that you sent the chain to our Aunt Ellie. We all can, well nigh, endure a worthy delay.
Aunt Ellie, when Gee was here, I told her “there is one person I am downright homesick to see and that is Aunt Ellie,” and I meant that, sincerely. Am wondering how much of your painting you are still able to do and if you still care for your flowers. It seems an eternity since I was there and you showed my your lovely “Shasta Daisies,” etc. I thought of you especially a couple of nights ago, when Judge Stephens and his wife, of California, were here for dinner, and they were both in love with my spinning wheel. I told them all about you and how you had secured several of them for the family.
When Jerry looked at Sadie’s pictures he said: “Gee, she looks like all of you mixed up together.” Sadie, you and “Our Lady” photograph well together.
Let’s not forget to keep in mind our reunion someday, and I do hope that all the grown children can be with us. It would be grand for them all to really get acquainted.
Am glad that you mentioned the Xmas gifts, Dan. It gives us a little time to select just the right thing.
Love to you all,
in the present day…
I am in the process of planning a little vacation to visit my Aunt Roberta. She is the daughter of John and Imogene in these letters. She was only 7 when these letters were penned. Bless her heart, she is 70 now. I have not seen her in a few years, but I email and speak with her on the phone on a regular basis. I spoke with her on the phone last night. She is soooooo cute! She is having her home repainted and is purchasing custom blinds in anticipation of my visit. Maybe I need to invite some relatives to visit so I can justify custom blinds..... ;-)
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