Volume Nineteen
November 30, 1945
Dear Lal and All;
“To Sadie by Christmas” sounds to me like a very worthy and very likely event. In fact at the rate the chain is now traveling it should be several stations past Sadie by Christmas.
Whether prospective or retroactive, let me add the D.F. O’Connor and family wishes that you all have a most pleasant and peaceful Xmas day and a most prosperous and happy New Year.
As Shan has stated, the most critical current topic is the labor scene. Ordinarily, I would be opposed to a sit down strike by industry but I believe the present one is entirely necessary and justified. G.M. has called a spade a spade in saying that this is more involved than just a 30% wage increase demand—it is an effort to force management to abdicate its time honored perogative of handling its own finances. The Unions are demanding the right to help determine how much should be set aside for reserve, for reinvestment, for distribution to stockholders, and what prices should be charged. Furthermore, if the Union should succeed in forcing the 30% increase it could only be done by increasing prices and we would be well on the way to ruinous inflation. As the Pres. of Du Pont Co. recently said “You can’t have just a little bit of inflation; a little bit of inflations is like a little bit of liquor.”
Most of you were pretty close on guessing the “who said it” quotation. For correct answers see the attached.
Would you all like to have some fun and can you take it? If so, each of you write to me separately and include two columns. The first to be a list of the names of every member of the chain. Opposite each name, in the second column, write on complimentary adjective which in your opinion most nearly describes each person. For example, if Aunt Ella were the one described, one might say she was “jolly.” I will compile all the submissions and attach them to the next round without mentioning the names of the authors. Remember, no brick bats!
My latest from Rose, this week, is that she is on her feet again but under strict doctor’s orders to do nothing in the way of exertion.
We shall all be pleased to read the F.F. Voss-in-law contribution to the chain. Eloise enjoyed putting her “two bit” worth and I think she wrote an interesting letter.
The “Rump Chain” sounds alright to me, Shan. All they have to do is start.
The D.F. clan is heading for Tulsa Dec. 14 for a two week vacation. Carolyn and Nan are in the East now and plan to visit us next week. Life is getting purty exciting.
Love— Dan
Nan’s society paper is very good!
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