Mar. 2, 1946
Dear Gene and Family:
The “big letter” reached me on Mar. 1, and I am putting everything else aside today, to send it on its way. It seems to me that each round becomes more interesting, and contains much valuable material “for the record.”
Gene, I missed your letter very much, and I hope you will add your contribution this round. You know that is the only way that most of the family can know about you and the girls, and, while it does take valuable time, I believe that John S. is very happy to know that you are keeping in touch with his family in that way. I also hope that you can arrange to be present in Dayton for the family reunion, and will bring the girls with you. We would all love to see them and you.
I am pleased that all are anxious to attend the reunion. I am writing to the Mount today, to be sure that I won’t be tied up at that time. June 20 to 22 is the latest date, I believe.
Shan, we are all anxiously waiting for the “simultaneous announcement,” which, I believe, will come from Youngstown, and not Columbus, this time. I am so glad that Don is home for good. The pictures are fine, and I have “signed up” for some of them. Many thanks, Don.
Of course I am thrilled, too, with the miniatures of Mother and Papa, and have told Kay how much I love them, in a previous letter.
This is my official welcome to Steven Walsh Hackley, too. I hope we will see both him and David in June.
That page of adjectives is clever Dan. We surely have good opinions of each other. I am not casting my vote or contributions for the “epithets” tho! I think we had better “leave well enough alone.”
Pauline drew my name and sent me a beautiful black leather combination purse and billfold, with a $5.00 bill enclosed. Both were much appreciated and will be used when I come to Dayton. She had sent me a metal bed lamp too, but claimed it was not the “exchange gift.” Leave it to her!
I had a letter from Aunt E. yesterday. When I answer it, I will send her a sheet of 8 x 11 paper, and tell her to take plenty of time to add her bit to the chain-letter, and have it ready to enclose at once when I send it to her next round, which should be back to me by Easter, Apr. 21. (I hope) I shall keep all of you and your dear ones in prayers during Lent. God love and bless you all.
P.S. Frank, I enjoyed your letter, particularly your reference to Shakespeare and the Preface of the Mass.
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