Anderson, Ind.
July 13 —1947
Dear Lal and Family
Every time I get the chain letter you are just coming home from some place, Lal. did not send it while you were up North, lest it be too long on the way and might miss you. Enjoyed your letter and Kay’s. It will be interesting to hear more details of your restful vacation. Surely enjoyed each and every letter this round. I like Dan’s description of Janice’s wedding best of all. He seemed to catch the real meaning behind the scenes. Other than to mention that the hustle and bustle of the E. Voss —Ed. Thaman wedding is in full swing, let’s not go into any more talk of it until after it’s over. Not that we haven’t thoroughly enjoyed every item leading up to and following Janice’s. We sincerely hope all of you can be here for Aug. 16 — come before and stay as long after, as possible.
Howard’s letter (written while Rose held the whip) is the kind of a letter I like. Betcha’ each one of us will try to discover the bad qualities he mentions and go about a method to correct them. We’re glad you have been “admitted” to the family, too, Howard. You can write in the chain any time as far as I’m concerned.
Larry, Jr., has been transferred from Chinhae to Puson, Korea—a point north on the Peninsula. They are living in reconditioned Jap barracks while waiting for some Quanset huts, sent from Alaska, to be set up. The boys expect to be back in the U.S. before the end of this year. Pauline is home for the summer. It’s like a big family again, and we love it. She is studying for her State Board Exam in November, while relaxing from her three strenuous years at the Good Sam. The Delco medical staff has invited her to step into Elaine’s place. She may do so about Sept. 1st.
Shan, those fancy names sound like the ones that make up a large percentage of our parish. Bakinski, Sokoloski, Hosekvac, Kumkoski. Guess that is a typical set up in an industrial center. But there are some might purty gal secretaries, smart ones, too, among those folks. Did you succeed in finding one to suit you? Maybe you’re prejudiced having had O’Connors, Camerons, O’Malleys, Burkes, Cochrans, and such like, working for you in the past.
Lal, we’ll be seeing you and Sister Rosella the week end of July 19 - 20. I’ve asked Rose Abbott to drive back to Anderson with us. Larry will take her to Dayton the following day, when he goes over to meet the new boss of Central. He’s going to miss J. W. Matthews.
We are looking forward to seeing each and every one of you in August.
Dearest love to all.
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